Shanghai is the largest city of China and one of the big cities of the world, is located in estuary Yangtze river. Its important financial and cultural centre of the country, and also the world's largest seaport.
To the XX-th century beginning Shanghai has turned from small fishing small town to the major city of China and one of the leading world financial centres. Besides it the city became centre of a mass culture, "vice", intellectual disputes and political intrigues in republican China.
In blossoming of the foreign concessions which have defined architectural eclecticism of Shanghai, the city was named Paris of the East. Today tiny small houses have been replaced by grandiose skyscrapers, magnificent hotels, business centres, restaurants and snackbars, entertaining institutions.
The history of Shanghai is closely connected with the Russian emigration which way to the USA laid through Shanghai, Australia and Canada. The buildings constructed by Russian emigrants in 20-30th years have remained.
Shanghai sits on the Yangtze River Delta on China's eastern coast, and is roughly equidistant from Beijing and Hong Kong. It is bordered on the north and west by Jiangsu Province, on the south by Zhejiang Province, and on the east by the East China Sea.
Shanghai has a humid subtropical climate and experiences four distinct seasons. In winter, cold northerly winds from Siberia can cause nighttime temperatures to drop below freezing, although most years there are only one or two days of snowfall. Summer in Shanghai is very warm and humid, with occasional downpours or freak thunderstorms. The city is also susceptible to typhoons, none of which in recent years has caused considerable damage. The most pleasant seasons are Spring, although changeable, and Autumn, which is generally sunny and dry.
One uniquely Shanghainese cultural element is the shikumen residences, which are two or three-story townhouses, with the front yard protected by a high brick wall. Each residence is connected and arranged in straight alleys, known as a lòngtang, pronounced longdang in Shanghainese. The entrance to each alley is usually surmounted by a stylistic stone arch. The whole resembles terrace houses or townhouses commonly seen in Anglo-American countries, but distinguished by the tall, heavy brick wall in front of each house. The name "shikumen" literally means "stone storage door", referring to the strong gateway to each house.
* Shanghai museum - In a museum there is collection with 120 thousand units. The most valuable are collections from bronze, ceramics, calligraphy, furniture, nefrite figurines, ancient coins, pictures, the press and sculptures. 11 galleries and 3 special showrooms constantly operate.
* Big Shanghai theatre
* Lunhua Temple, the biggest Buddhist temple of Shanghai
* Yuyuan gardens
* Nefrite Budha Temple
* Tszinan Temple
* Sjujtszjahuej (cathedral of St Ignatyi) — the biggest Catholic cathedral in Shanghai
* Duntszjadu Cathedral
* Sheshan Cathedral
* East Orthodox Church
* Sjaodaojuan Mosque
* Suntszjan Mosque
* Sinagogue Ohel Rahel
* Memorial complex of Lu Sinja
* House museum Sun Yatsen
* Chan Kajshi House museum
* House museum zin deputy and the general of Hunchzhana
* Ancient «cities on the river» Chzhutszjatszjao and Chzhoushi in suburb of Shanghai
* Market Venmjao
* Junnansky street
* Flower and birds market on Tszjani Lu street
* Market of dresses zipao on Chanle Lu street
* Peking opera in Shanghai